Wavetable Synthesis#

The principle of wavetable synthesis is to exchange computation for memory by pre-computing the complete cycle of a specific waveform, save the values in a buffer and then read values from the buffer instead of computing them on the fly. Most SC unit generators are actually implemented via a wavetable! If you want certain harmonics in a signal but for each frequency you use the same envelope, then you can save a lot of performance by using a wavetable instead.

Creating a wavetable in SuperCollider is easy. First we need to allocate a Buffer on the server. Then we have to write the one period of our waveform into the buffer. Then we can use the buffer to read from it at different frequencies. For example, the unit generator Osc is able to write out values from the buffer into the output channel. The number of elements in a wavetalbe has to be a power of 2.

Basic Example#

First we create a client-side Signal containing a sinewave.

~sig = Signal.sineFill(size: 1024, amplitudes: [1], phases: [0]);

Before we can use the signal, we have to convert it into the wavetable format.

~wt = ~sig.asWavetable;

Then we allocate a server-side buffer and load it with the wavetalbe.

Wavetalbe Buffer Size

The size of a buffer containing a wavetalbe with \(n\) signalpoints, has to be of size \(2n\).

b = Buffer.alloc(s, 2048);

Finally, we can play it, i.e., the buffer.

{Osc.ar(b) * 0.5!2}.play;


Now, let us define a signal with many harmonics. And in fact, let us use another method to directly initialize a buffer.

var amps = 1.0/[1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17];
b = Buffer.alloc(
    server: s,
    numFrames: 512, 
    numChannels: 1,
    completionMessage: {|z| z.sine1Msg(amps: amps);},

{Osc.ar(b, freq: 200)*0.125!2}.play;

Nothing stops us from constructing very complex waveforms:

var n = 16;
    freqs: ({exprand(0.75, 30)}!n).sort,
    amps: ({exprand(0.05, 0.85)}!n).sort.reverse,
    phase:{rrand(0, 2*pi)}!n

{Osc.ar(b, freq: MouseX.kr(10,1000,1)) * [1, 2.01] * 0.4}.play;

Using Envelopes#

Since we can transform an envelope Env into a Signal and a signal into a Wavetable, we can construct our waveform using an envelople!

Let us create some crazy wavetables!

// increase the buffer size
b = Buffer.alloc(s, 2048);

var env, n = 16;
env = Env(
    levels: ({rrand(0.0, 1.0)}!(n-1) * [1, -1]).scramble,
    times: {exprand(1,15)}!n,
    curve: {rrand(-10, 10)}!n,

{LeakDC.ar(Osc.ar(b, freq: MouseX.kr(10,1000,1)) * [1, 2.01] * 0.4)}.play;

Since the waveform might be heavily biased towards the positive or negative, we could use LeakDC to center it at the x-axis.

Custom Function#

Another really useful way to create a signal is the waveFill method of an instance of a signal. Since it is an instance method, we first have to create a signal.

var sig;
sig = Signal.newClear(1024);
    // x (0 to 2pi), y_old (old value here 0), index
    arg x, y_old, i;
	var y_new = (sin(x**2))**2*3;
	y_new = y_new.fold(-1, 1);
}, 0, 2*pi);

Wavetable Morphing#

VOsc is a unit generater that we can utilize to morph or interpolate between two or more wavetables. First we create two different wavetables. The first wavetable contains a simple sine wave, the second contains 10 harmonics with equal amplitude.

~wt1 = Signal.sineFill(size: 1024, amplitudes: [1]).asWavetable;
~wt2 = Signal.sineFill(size: 1024, amplitudes: 0.1!10).asWavetable;
~b1 = Buffer.alloc(s, 2048);
~b2 = Buffer.alloc(s, 2048);

Then we play an interpolation of the two waveforms by moving the index from randomly between [0;1] and we add ~b1.bufnum.

{VOsc.ar(bufpos: ~b1.bufnum+LFNoise1.kr(1).range(0,1), freq: 200) * 0.2}.play

It’s crucial that the buffers we employ for interpolation are aligned in sequential order.


A waveshaper is an audio effect that changes an audio signal by mapping an input signal to the output signal by applying a fixed or variable mathematical function, called the shaping function or transfer function, to the input signal.

~tf = Env([-1,1],[1],[0]).asSignal(1025);
~tf = ~tf + (
        (0!3) ++ [0,0,0,1,1,1].scramble,
    ) / 4;
~tf = ~tf.normalize;
~buff = Buffer.alloc(s, 2048);
    var sig, input;
    input = SinOsc.ar(130);
    sig = Shaper.ar(~buff, input);
    sig = sig *  0.3!2;