Control Structures#

In sclang, control sequences are functions. They expect one or multiple functions that are executed conditionally.

Use Cases#

We already saw the if-function, which expect one boolean expression (a predicate) and two functions.

x = 5;
if(x >= 5, {"x >= 5".postln;}, {"x < 5".postln;});

The first function is evaluated if the statement is true, otherwise the second function is evaluated.

Another way to branch the code execution is achieved by using the switch-statement. It expects one value which is then compared to one or more testvalues and each of these is paired with a function that will be executed if value == testvalue.

x = 5;
switch(x,                   // value
    3, {"x == 3".postln;},  // testvalue and testfunction pairs
    4, {"x == 4".postln;},
    5, {"x == 5".postln;},
    6, {"x == 6".postln;},
       {"x is something else".postln;} // default function

A kind of the if- and switch-statement is the case-statement. The case method allows for conditional evaluations with multiple cases (similar to the switch) but instead of a test value, we have a test function.

var i, x, z;
z = [0, 1, 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 2];
i = z.choose;
x = case
    { i == 1 }   { \no }
    { i == 1.1 } { \wrong }
    { i == 1.3 } { \wrong }
    { i == 1.5 } { \wrong }
    { i == 2 }   { \wrong }
    { i == 0 }   { \true };


The while-function expects one predicate and another function that can be executed as long as the predicate is true. For example:

var i = 0;
while({i < 10}, {i.postln; i = i + 1;});

The for-function works much more restricted:

for(0, 9, {arg i; i.postln;})

A little more flexible is the forBy-function for which for is a special case. It allows us to define an additional stepValue:

forBy(0, 9, 2, {arg i; i.postln;}) // 0 2 4 6 8

The do-function iterates over a given sequence, similar to a foreach of other languages (for in Python).

do((1..9), {arg item, i;; ",".post; i.postln;})

Here item is the element of the Array generated by (1..9) and i is the index of the element!

A switch-function expects a value and pairs of tested values and functions to be executed. The test checks for equality ==. To be more flexible and to use different predicates one can use the case-function which is as efficient as if-statements.