
In sclang, functions are first-class objects. Therefore, a function can be an argument of another function. The language drives the programmer to use this fact in various ways. For example, control structures in sclang are functions.


To define a function, we encapsulate its content by curly brackets. To execute it, we call value on it:

~func = {
  var x = 10;
~func.value();   // returns 10

We can omit value to call a function:

~func.();   // returns 10

This looks a little bit weird, but it works just fine.

In sclang there is no return keyword. We only have to call func.value for functions and not for methods of an object or class. A function always returns the content of the last evaluated statement, in this case x. In my personal opinion, an additional keyword can make the code more readable.

To see what I mean by making use of functions as first-class objects, we can look at the control structures. if is in fact, a function that takes three arguments:

  1. the condition

  2. a function that is executed if the condition is true

  3. a function that is executed if the condition is false

Compare the following code that returns 10 if the argument of func is 10 and a random integer between 0 and 19 (20 excluded).

var func = {
    arg input;
    if(input == 10, {
    }, {

It is important to understand, that the function {rand(20);} is evaluated each time we call func.value(11);. Again, we can either write rand(20); or 20.rand;.


If we want the func to return the same randomly chosen value each time it is called, we can use a Closure. In short, a Closure is a function combined with a set of variables that are neither defined within the function nor are arguments of the functions.

var r = rand(20);
var func = {
    arg input;
    if(input == 10, {
    }, {

Of course, we can do the same without using a Closure

var val = rand(20);
var func = {
    arg input, r;
    if(input == 10, {
    }, {
func.(11, val).postln;
func.(11, val).postln;
func.(11, val).postln;

but since functions are first-class objects it is often convenient to use a Closure.


Let’s look at another example:

var add = {
    arg a = 5, b;
    a + b;
add.(a: 6, b: 11) // returns 17
add.(b: 11) // returns 16

Similar to Python, one can define a default value for each argument, and we can ignore the order if we add the names. To define a specific argument in the function call, we have to use : instead of =. Furthermore, there is another rather strange shortcut:

var add = {|a = 5, b|
    a + b;
add.(b: 11) // returns 16

If your arguments are the elements of an array you can also call the function and unpack the array using the * operator:

var values = [2, 9];
var add = {|a, b|
    a + b;
add.(*values) // returns 11


To test for the first n prime numbers starting from zero to n-1 there is a very short expression one can use:

var n = 10;
// [ false, false, true, true, false, true, false, true, false, false ]

This can be even shortened:

var n = 10;
// [ false, false, true, true, false, true, false, true, false, false ]

The ! operator functions identically to the .dup method. It returns an Array consisting of the results from n evaluations of the given function. If the function has a single argument, it will utilize values within the range from 0 to n-1. If the function has multiple arguments, this still holds true, but we must duplicate it via an array with an equivalent number of arguments.

{|x,y|(x+y)}.dup([3,3]); // [ [ 0, 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 4 ] ]
{|x,y|(x+y)}![3,3];      // [ [ 0, 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 4 ] ]

Later we will utilize dup to construct a complex graph consisting of many unit generators with a few lines of code, a technique that is called multichannel expension.


In sclang the mathematical operation of composing functions, i.e., \(f \circ g\) is approxiated by the <> operator.

f = {arg x; x*x};
g = {arg x; 2*x};

f.(5); // 25
g.(5); // 10

h = f <> g;
h.(5); // f(g(5)) = (2*5)^2 = 10 * 10 = 100

A Common Pitfall#

A common error to make, which is hard to spot, is when we generate multiple duplicates, but we want to duplicate the evaluation of a function rather than its return value. For example, let us create an Array with five random values:

// all values are identical
Array.fill(5, 1.0.rand);

That’s different from what we wanted. fill expects a function to be evaluated, but we define as a second argument a random value. This value gets copied five times. The following is even more dangerous:

// all values are identical
a = Array.fill(5, []);
a[0] = a[0].add(1)
a // [ [ 1 ], [ 1 ], [ 1 ], [ 1 ], [ 1 ] ]

The same problem occurs. We only create one subarray [], which gets copied by reference! To fix both problems, we have to use a function instead:

Array.fill(5, {1.0.rand}); // all values are different
Array.fill(5, {[]});       // all subarrays are different